College Snapchat...coming to a campus near you!

As millennials, there's only one thing constant through the vast personalities and interest we express, and that is the love and need we have for our phones. Whether it's your 'basic' girl capturing every picture possible (and then some), your typical guy watching/following sports on the weekends, or whatever you want to identify as, we use our phones for EVERYTHING. We as college students, it's important to stay connected, to your friends, to family, to clubs, to a sorority/fraternity, to your school's sports teams, etc. Through the busy lifestyle we live, we often don't have time for outside news sources or what's going on on campus or in our collegetown. So unless you walk through Tate Plaza or through the student center everyday, multiple times a day, we often miss out on cool,interesting events that are exclusive to our campus.

Snapchat is now partnering with local campus' newspapers, to bring local, collegiate news straight through your phone on Snapchat discover. Snapchat discover is statistically proven to be the effective way to spread global and domestic news to college students, and our generation. So now, when you get bored in class, avoiding that paper, or group project, and wasting time away on Snapchat reading the news, you can be sort of productive and find out what's going on around you. For a couple years now, Snapchat has offered 'Campus Stories' as a way for students to share their day or what they experience through their day on campus with pictures or videos, and made one big story of everyone's snaps. While this will still be in tact and still very personable (and funny to watch), you can now get more formal news of events and things happening on your campus that you probably wouldn't find out otherwise.

Snapchat wrote in their blog announcing the launch that, "School newspapers play a critical role in informing and entertaining their campus communities, and they are often where the many leading journalists and editors that we work with got their start." So alongside of students just learning of campus events and activities, this allows for students pursuing a career in journalism to get experience and practice with their everyday campus adventures and events. This is just a soft launch, and only on certain campuses, for the moment, but hopefully this will expand to every major campus and become a viable way to learn and get a better college experience for your 4...okay probably 5 years you're in college.
