Apple's A [?]OS 11 Glitch Taken to a New Level

By now, everyone with an iPhone that has updated to the new iOS 11 has experienced the annoying glitch in the update. If you're an Android user or just not up in the updates, then you have not experienced it from your end, but probably got sent the stupid symbol. When you type "I" into any of your apps (such as SnapChat, GroupMe, etc.), it would autocorrect to A [?] and even when it looks like on your end it was fixed, when you sent the message, it changed to A [?].

Well THE Ohio State University decided to poke fun at the fail at their football game last Saturday at home against Michigan State University.

Well during pregame, an Ohio State tradition is the spelling of Ohio throughout the stadium and each side has a letter to hold up and yell at the top of their lungs. Just as in Athens, we have the North side of the stands yell, " Georgia!," and the South stands yell back, "Bulldogs!" But for this game, the O-H-I-O chant was a little different, for this game the student section was in charge of the 'I' portion of the chant, and they knocked it out of the park. Instead of holding up the typical 'I,' they were innovative and clever and replaced the 'I' with the 'A [?]'. So while looking around the stadium you had instead of O-H-I-O, this week it was O-H-A[?]-O. Leave it up to college kids to take advantage of the glitch in the iOS 11 and completely kill it at a college football game.

I mean after the blowout game Ohio State had over Michigan State, why not keep it going. It's only weird if it doesn't work, right?
